Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Grandparents Visit and BYU Game

My parents came to visit for a fall football game. What a treat! My mom was gracious enough to watch Shayne for me so I could go. The day was snowy/ rainy and BYU did not play the best, but we had a great time anyway.
Trying to show our school spirit. Our friend Allison was a trooper to enter into the evil Lavell Edwards Stadium as she is a definite, bone-i-fied Ute fan.
Danny signed us up for the tailgate party in the alumni house before the game. We even saw some guys from our freshman year there. Allison thought it was a bit different from the Ute tailgate parties she had been a part of back in the day.
My mom brought some Christmas presents for Shayne and I convinced her that it was much more fun to open them while she was here. Christmas in October! If you know me, you know I cannot stand to wait for surprises/gifts and I can't stand not knowing things too-- if there is a secret, I'm usually dying to know it.
The joy of opening gifts:

Thanks mom and dad!


annette said...

Grandma and Grandpa teaching the joy of being spoiled early on

annette said...

Someone is on my email leaving crazy messages. . .