Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1st WORD!!!!

That's right. Shayne has said her first word. I am counting it. And I think my affirmation means more than just the proud mother's because I've taken classes where we discussed such things as 1st words and what really counts as one. So, it is the cutest thing. One day I am folding laundry in her room and my cell phone is on the ground. She picks it up and places it near her ear and says. . . "Ha." She does this several times on either ear so I know it isn't just a fluke. So she is spontaneously using it, in the correct context, and she does it several times so I know it's really what I think it is. . She said "Hi!" Since then she has actually said it where is sounds more like 'hi' and less like 'ha', but she also has used a sock and a block instead of a phone. And one time she pointed to a lady in the grocery store on her phone and said "hi." Funny girl!
You can't see it but that's my phone she's holding in her hand.


Haley said...

I agree fully with your assessment of her first word really being her first word! And she's so young. She'll be a talked for sure!

becca said...

Congrats!! Yes, I agree with you and Haley. Dr. Redmond would be so proud.

Maren said...

First word indeed. Haha, we're such nerds!

Broadbent Family said...

Well, you are a speech pathologist, so if anyone would know what a first word is you would. Plus moms have the great gift where they can understand what their kids are saying before anyone else. It totally counts. The picture of her holding the phone is adorable. Paige loves to do that too. It looks like you guys have been having a fun couple of weeks or month. We would love to come and visit again sometime. Especially now that Shayne and Paige are older and can say hi to each other.

Carrie said...

I love it that Shayne's first word is "hi," and she said it into a cell phone no less! Awesome. By the way, she looks so much like Danny in that photo!

Natalie said...

She's so precious and fun. I love that she is starting to talk. She is the happiest baby girl.

Fun seeing you-for a sec. today. Hope you had fun shopping Stephanie's sale.

Lets get together soon! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

annette said...

Good job on the blog update. . .I am sooo impressed! How could anyone resist that cute little Shaynee poo? Ya gotta love those "sugar cheeks". . . and she says "hi" too. . .it just doesn't get any better than that!

MiShelle said...

Hi Hodgkins. I too started a blog (something about having a baby does make you want to keep a better journal)...and remembered you had one so I checked er out. Your little Shayne is darling. Growing too fast! Already having her first words? Oh my. Looks like things are good for you guys!

annette said...

More Posts! More Posts! Since "I'm" supposed to be out of'll have to guess which family member has hijacked Mom's gmail to demand more blogging.