Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Rant.

This is a rant. No pictures, just a rant. I have realized that I can't enjoy a meal anymore. This is a sad new truth to my life. And I realized it today as I was eating lunch at Rumbi (not the most delicious meal ever, but still a meal I didn't have to cook) with my 2-year-old. Maybe it was the lack of adult conversation that allowed my mind to go into deep, dark thoughts.

I know too much. I've seen too much. I've read too much. As I looked at my noodle bowl, all I could see was the not-free-range-chickens in the cut up cream colored cubes that had ended their life cycle of laying quality eggs and now ended up on my plate. Then I saw the noodles, oh the noodles. Made from enriched, bleached, white flour as I calculated the grams of carbs I was consuming. And let's not forget the sauce. Streaming in a thick rivulet from the condiment cup into my bowl, full of high fructose corn syrup.

It's over. I can't enjoy a refined carbohydrate, sugar laden, non organic, processed meal again, can I?

Funny Things

Today, Shayne said a couple of funny things to me:
1. "Mom, when I was born did it hurt as much as: your brains coming out of your ears? pulling your eyeballs out? a dinosaur biting your head? a thing hitting you in the forehead?"

My answer to all of these was: worse, my dear. Hope she keeps that in her memory bank for later in life.

2. "I don't want you to get burned and die cause then we'd just have a daddy to take care of another baby."

I'm pretty sure that daddy won't be raising another baby if I have already burned up and died. I love the innocent logic of a 4-year-old.

Here is a conversation I had with Brooklyn tonight when she didn't want her dad to put her to bed:
Me: You need to be nice to daddy because if we're not nice to him then he might go to another house and find someone else to be his kid.
B: I want daddy to go to another house and have another kid.

Well, that didn't work. Sorry, honey.

Another anecdote of her eternal mother-love is that lately when she gets mad about something her comeback is "Then I won't be nice to Shaney (or daddy or Ally. Or sometimes all three)." The funny thing is she says this to me when she's actually upset with ME....... and she NEVER says I won't be nice to you (me). Even when Danny questions her "Are you gonna be nice to mommy?" The answer is always 'yes.' Although sometimes a bit exasperating, I'll enjoy the complete and utter devotion while I can get it!