Monday, October 12, 2009


So lately I have taken up a few projects with some goals in mind. Now of course I am not putting timelines on myself here or else I would be destined for failure as I have never been very good with timelines. Here are a few:
1. Learning to Cook: I have decided that I really don't know how to cook. I know how to follow a few recipes, but I don't know much about techniques, spices, things like yeast, how to use a knife, etc. I saw that movie "Julie & Julia" and it started me thinking along these lines. I realized- I just need to start doing it and learning along the way. Here are some things I have learned so far: you really do need to sift when a recipe calls for it or you will get chunks of salty baking soda in a cake, cooking a pizza on the grill is DIVINE, mangos are not ripe when they are white on the inside and have the consistency of plywood, I like more other stuff than actual salad in my salad, and onion salt/ garlic salt is not the same thing as onion powder/ garlic powder. Live and learn, huh?!
2. Exercise: I have been running a couple of days a week trying to get rid of baby weight. I have realized that I have hit some sort of wall with my body. 30 is around the corner and MAN I feel like it. I think exercise will be painful and not-very-fun for the rest of my life. But I do feel good afterwards, or is it 'less guilty' when I eat something chocolate later that day.
3. Book of Mormon: Lately I have been hearing some religious discussions at work and it had got me thinking that I need to read the Book of Mormon again. But I know myself and I know I start with the best of intentions and then die out without even getting through 1st Nephi. Seriously! Anyone have any great ways they get through their scripture reading? Study guides? This one is going to take some work.

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