Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our Girl!

I was thinking that it has been too long since I have gushed about our Shaynie. She is such a fun baby. She is 8 months old now, is pretty much crawling and getting into things, and has two teeth coming up on the bottom. She loves to swing at the park, watch Ally (our dog) and grab her face/eyes/tongue, go for walks/jogs in the stroller in the morning, eat Cheerios, and never let her mother leave her sight. She has always been a really good sleeper and her parents are VERY happy about that still. She likes to make noise with anything she can find- blocks/paper/her hand on a hard surface, pull her shoes and socks off, and do the cutest little wave I have ever seen--especially at strangers because then she gets lots of attention. Grandma Nettie taught her how to do "the Indian"-- pat your hand on her mouth a bunch of times while she says 'ah' and it sounds like an Indian call. And she says lots of 'nana,' 'tutu,' and 'dudu's. She is our girl and we love her!!!


sarah&brett said...

Kiss the Shaynie Poo for me. . .I can't hardly wait to come up and teach her something else that is new and fun! Thanks for the new pics and update on the blog.

annette said...

This is the favorite Auntie Jamie and I love my chayne chayne!s she a beautiful baby, and i feel so blessed that god graced us with that wonderful bundle! All my loves and kisses!

Broadbent Family said...

She is a doll. Sounds like a fun month of vacation. Being a mom has it's perks. And what great news about Sarah!