Friday, May 8, 2009

Mystery Solved.....Problem soon-to-be Solved

So lately we kept hearing this loud banging noise in our house all throughout the day. It seemed to me that it was coming from the fireplace, but Danny thought it was probably pipes in the wall. We kept trying to keep track of what was going on when the noise happened, but nothing really made sense. So Danny set up a plumber to come check it out. But the night before, we were sitting outside and heard the noise and looked up on top of our house and saw this:

A Woodpecker!!! Apparently he's been working on our house for some time because all the shiny, metal vents on the top of the house are dented up. Danny immediately called a friend to get a pellet gun and set up a vigil on the back lawn. I made him make sure there wasn't a nest up there with babies before I gave him my blessing. So now it's a waiting game-- who will win, Danny or the woodpecker. . . . .


Eisha said...

Are you allowed to shoot things in a residential area? Good luck, I hope you don't hit your neighbor who is coincidentally fixing his roof!

annette said...

I wonder how the Audubon Society will take this kind of news? Hmmmmm?

Sally and Max Brown said...

That is pretty hilarious!!!

Brittanny said...

I absolutely had a ton to catch up on! Wow is your little girl photogenic! And I must say she is a doll. No really, she looks like a porcelin doll she is so perfect. Thanks for having us to the baby blessing, it was so good to see you all and your mom and pop. I must say I just love your family- every last one of you! Funny story too. Josh is similar in a way to Danny...he used his pellet gun two days ago to peg a Robin that was munching on peas in my garden! I think he was just dying for an excuse to get his gun out. hmmm. We need to see you all soon again!

cbleeflang said...

How funny! Bart would love to come over and help Dan.

Brenay Family said...

Birds can be so annoying sometimes! We had a dove make a nest on our back patio last year and the noise of that dove drove me crazy...but it was cute to see her little babies hatch! Glad you figured out your problem and took care of it!