Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Babies & Bacon

So, Danny asked me if all I thought he was good for was makin' babies & bringin' home the bacon because I never report about/brag about him. He's right- I need to write more about him. Here are some of his recent goings on. He started and then hired someone to do a little re-landscaping of our yard. My favorite part is the garden box in the back that was built for me. It hasn't been quite warm enough for long enough (snowed yesterday- yeah. . . ) for me to actually plant something in it yet, but I have a salsa & herb garden planned.
Oh yeah, back to Danny. He has also been practicing riding his motorcycle up and down the street while taking Shayne on rides for the last couple of months in preparation for this:
I think he is feeling his manliness coming back after being stuck with lots of females & a baby all winter long.

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