Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day in a couple of different ways. First, for Mother's Day weekend I met up with Katie & Carrie in SoCal. Carrie & James hosted us for a girls' weekend and I went- get this- kid free! Danny took care of the girls up at his parent's place in WY. We ate out, talked a lot, played with my cute nephew Braeden, I read my book on the plane uninterrupted, we went to the beach, got our nails done, and just relaxed. It was awesome to have a weekend without responsibility. I came back feeling refreshed.
Also, I've been doing a lot of thinking about motherhood. I was having a hard time a few weeks ago- just with spring fever, the compilation of 5 months of sleep deprivation, and feeling burdened with my kids needs (it happens sometimes). I found myself thinking 'what am I doing- I don't want to be this grumpy person- I think I'm losing myself- maybe I should think about working more.' Then I read this book about motherhood and it really inspired me & made me start thinking about why I am a staying at home with my kids.

I know that there are tons of reasons that you can name for staying at home: being there for you kids whenever they need you, being able to keep your house organized, making dinner, giving your family consistency, blah, blah, blah. They are all good things and are true. But I realized, for me, the real reason that I am staying at home with our kids is to take advantage of the moments when I can teach my kids that they have a Heavenly Father who knows them and loves them. That's really it. That's it.

So, I have been trying to keep this in mind everyday. The other day I was at the park with Shayne and it came to my mind just to talk to her about how Heavenly Father made the trees, sky, and grass. It's simple things right now and I know it will get more complex, but I think I'm up for it.


MiShelle said...

You're so sweet Holly. Cute post.

Haley said...

Right on! What a good mommy!

Lara said...

It is hard being a stay at home Mom - especially when your kids are little and demanding. It gets better - they get older and are able to be more independent and interact more. I love love this post - you have the reason for staying home exactly right!