Thursday, September 30, 2010


The other day we had a conversation that went like this:
Me: Shayne, where's your other baba?
Shayne: Baba side A'i hum-hum.

Me: Shayne, where's your other binkie?
Shayne: The binkie's outside where Ally (our dog) is eating it.

Funny girl!


Katie Goulding Sierer said...

So cute that girl!

cbleeflang said...

Ha ha, that's fun and I can totally picture Ally eating the binkie

Amanda said...

too cute! What a smart girl!

annette said...

I think that through the years. . .Ally will be blamed for MANY things! It's a dog's life! I miss that cute Shayne girl. . .give her kisses from Grandma!