Saturday, October 9, 2010

Angels & Bullies

So today Danny's grandma and mom came down from Wyoming and we made and canned applesauce. Yummy! We are going to love it during the next couple of years. Our applesauce looks even better than this picture. My mother-in-law is the best. She did most of the work, let me take a nap, AND did most of the clean up (dishes, sweeping, mopping!). It was a fun although intense project and there's no way I could have done it myself- ever pretty much.

Later today, I took Shayne to the park just to get her out and about. As we are playing on the playground set, a group of 9-10 year old looking kids come over and start hanging around the playground set. I hear one of the girls loudly whisper to her other friend the following:

"I see London, I see France,
I see a baby hanging out your underpants."

I slowly realized that she was laughing and pointing at my very pregnant self! OK- so her mocking song is not the most original or the most bright, but she hit a sensitive mark. Then this little twerp decided to again loudly whisper the same thing to each of her other friends and continue to laugh in delight at how clever she felt she was.

If I would have been my 10 year old self, I might have said something creative like "Shut up you bratface," but I am the adult here so I decided to say "I can hear you" hoping that might scare her enough to be quiet. Oh no, not a chance. So then I took the high, mature road and ignored them. This seemed to work and we continued on our way across the playground. I can't believe I was bullied by a 10 year old!


Maren said...

Ohhh, what a brat!!! It is one of those times that you wish you could have come up with something great to say . . . oh yeah, you keep this up and you are going to . . . uhhhh! You were alot nicer than I was, I would have just started yelling. good for you taking the high road

Momma Dianna said...

Oh Holly, you are much nicer than I would have been! Adult and all when I'm preggo, I would have let her have it! Good for you keeping your cool! I was also thinking man...they are starting young if this girl was only 9 or 10. Look out parents for that teenager! BTW...the applesause looks scrumptious!


Eisha said...


annette said...

Holly. . .to coin an old phrase. . .what happened to "sticks and stones can break my bones but names
can NEVER harm me?" Plus. . ."if you say that again . . .your going to get a knuckle sandwhich!" That probably would have put an end to the smart mouth remarks. Just a little advice from your sweetheart of a Mom!

Broadbent Family said...

Oh no she didn't! It's times like this that I always come up with something really clever after I leave, and then all day long I am thinking about what I could have said and hoping I see them again. All I got was "really that's all you could come up with?" The applesause does look fantastic! I can't wait to see your adorable pregnant belly and little Shayne at Jamie's reception.

Rodela Family said...

Ahh Holly, what is up with kids these days. I feel like we were so much more respectful during our days..maybe it was the fact that we had to walk up hill in the snow both ways to school or something like that. Whenever I am faced with bratty kids I always bring out the...where are your parents?!! sometimes I luck out and the parents are nearby trying to pretend like they really aren't the kid's parent!

The*Evans*Family said...

Oh I totally would have said something! Obviously you are the better person. :)

Applesauce looks great! If I had places to store that kind of stuff I'd love to do it.