I don't think I know a cuter 1 year old!! OK- I know there are many darling 1 year olds, I know several, this one just has a special place in my heart for obvious genetic reasons. Here's an update on this girl:
1. She is a walking machine. Everywhere. Every waking minute.
2. She does signs for more, eat, drink (consists of sticking her thumb in her mouth and wiggling her fingers- so funny!), and baby is a favorite one to do.
3. She has a few words, her favorites being "Hi" and "Hi Ally" (our dog). Occasionally we get a 'dada' (said 'tata') or a 'mama.'
4. She really enjoys peek-a-boo and doing a shoulder shrug when asked "where's daddy or where's ally?" then going to find them.
5. Her table manners have gone downhill recently. Throwing food is a favorite pastime. Along with refusing to eat any foods beside applesauce, peas, pears, cheese, breads, and sweets. We are just going to keep trying to expand her palate.
6. She gives the sweetest little kisses ever! We love this girl!