Thursday, April 2, 2009

Look who's Talking!

OK-I use 'talking' in a very general sense as in constantly cooing, gurgling, and doing raspberries. Shayne is such a chatterbox these days. She also has rolled from her stomach to her back three times on her own, is holding her head up during tummy time, and occasionally laughs when smiling. She is such a joy in our lives right now. She has a really good eating, awake, nap cycle right now during the day, although we are still working on the night time routine. A six hour stretch is about the maximum she goes at night right now.

So I got another book to try to get the 'sleeping through the night' thing going and the first page I read said this, " Warning: If your child does not sleep well, he may become an incurable insomniac, chronically disabled from sleepiness and dependent on sleeping pills." WOW! Just what every parent needs to hear! Although initially turned off, I am going to remain open minded as I read it.

So my littlest sister, Jamie, came for a visit. She was great- she helped me out with Shayne, kept me company, and made me laugh a lot. We loved having her live with us last year and it made me miss her even more when she left.

Last bit of news, I joined a gym to get my pre-baby body back- here's hoping! The coolest thing about this gym is that they have two classes during the week where you get to bring your baby (those who are not old enough to go into the child care center they have) while you work out! Of course our first time Shayne was the only baby to cry during class and she pooped up the back of her outfit, which I didn't see until we got home. But the class totally rocked my body- I've got a long way to go!

Here are some more recent pictures of the bambino (not sure why these pictures are turned the wrong way-I'll have to work on it):


Rodela Family said...

Hodgie, how's the night sleep going? Any improvements? Let's get together and do lunch or take the kiddies to the pool!

Momma Dianna said...

How cute! When babies learn new things it is just the funnest thing to watch happen right before your eyes! It only gets better from here! Shayne is a doll! I love the pic of your sis and her on the floor together too!