Thursday, November 11, 2010

38 Weeks+2 Days & Miss Independent

Contractions. Contractions. Contractions. And no results. I seem to have never ending contractions these days that come and then go and then come again and wake me up in the night. But they never get intense enough or stick around for more than an hour at a time. My body's gearing up for something, I'm just not sure it's figured out what it is yet. But we are excited and pretty nervous about adding this new one to our family soon. I think I remember how to do this- it hasn't been that long!

Shayne is so funny these days. She's definitely had her word spurt and is saying all sorts of funny things. The other day I heard her calling me from the basement, but she wasn't saying "mommie." What I heard was "haaaa-wee, haaaa-wee" and I thought "Is she really saying 'Holly'?" Yes, she is. Is my 1 year old really that grown-up that she thinks she can call me Holly instead of Mommie?!

Other things she is saying: my, mine, and me are a large part of her vocabulary right now, my sit (my seat), more nuke (more milk), my hum me (means I'm hungry), snow, more nak (more snack), ugh blue/een/ ink (it's blue/green/pink- can mostly identify blue, the others are sketchy still), wets do zoom (let's go in the car), I'll have to write down more as I think of them. . . . .

I transitioned her into her new room in the basement and into a twin bed. I wanted to get her set up before the baby came. It actually has gone easier than I thought it would. The first few nights she would wake up and cry once, but now she sleeps through the night. I might start cracking the door open after she goes to sleep though because we usually wake up in the morning to her trying to kick down the door.

She really is becoming more independent. Whenever I drop her off at nursery or a neighbor's house or a sitter comes over, she just says "bye-bye mommie," gives me a hug and a kiss, and that is that. It's great to know she's OK without us.


Broadbent Family said...

It sounds like you will hopefully be having this baby any day. Shayne is absolutely adorable! I loved her little cowgirl costume. It was so great seeing you when you were down. You really are the cutest pregnant person I know.

DR and Brynna said...

Hang in there, you're almost done! I can't wait to see your new addition. Good luck!

MiShelle said...

Best wishes for a wonderful, boring, undramatic delivery! I don't think you can have 2 crazy birth stories. Ha ha! I'm sure everything will go well and we'll be so excited to meet another darling Goulding baby!