Wednesday, May 19, 2010

15 month old Stats!

This girl is growing up everyday. Here are her 15 month stats (although she is 16 months now):
Weight: 21.5 lbs.--35%
Height: 28 inches. --30%
Head: uh, large. . . .95%

1. Things she likes: music, dancing, squeaky shoes, animals-any and all, going on walks in the stroller, going on bike rides in the trailer, her toy car, books, rough play with dad, playground, swinging, loves my neighbor Ann, loves animal movies, milk, coloring, Ally & her water dish, watching other kids, naptime
2. Does not like: someone knocking on the door, getting dressed, getting hair done, getting diaper changed, noise of rain on the window, thunder, chaos of too many kids, anything else that she decides she doesn't want to do
3. Things she's eating: cheese, crackers, tomatoes, beans, apples, oranges, grapes, chicken, beef, carrot sticks, PB & J, suckers, noodles, raspberries, cantaloupe, peas, and anything sweet
4. Things to work on: throwing food/eating utensils, hitting people in the face, coloring on the walls
5. Things she's saying: nini (night night), daddy, mommy, hi, bye-bye, no, bowl, more, animal sounds (horse, cow, turkey, bird, duck, dog, cat, elephant, monkey, bear), uh-huh

She is a great, fun kid and we love her!

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