Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love Affairs

We have been having a busy, but fun summer! Here's a recap. Danny's sister Katie came to visit with Clark. He and Shayne are two days apart in age. He is such a little man! I can't say they truly had a love affair, but they didn't seem to mind each other at least.
My gym class instructor said that your first child is the greatest love affair you will ever have. I think we are finding that to be true. We love everything she does even if it involves slober, snot, and poop.
We went to a family reunion at Aspen Family Camp with a bunch of my cousins and my family was all there. It was so fun to catch up with everyone and my sisters/mom were great and watched Shayne so I got to get out and bike, play badmitton, take a ski lift ride, and play some volleyball. Danny got in some mountain biking too. He's always looking for a buddy to go with......anyone??
The funniest thing though was that my older brother LOVED Shayne. He wanted to watch her and carry her in her baby Bjorn. He said he wants to adopt but I told him I think he should find a wife first. We also spent almost a week with our friends near Lake Tahoe. It is so beautful there. Their two little boys also LOVED Shayne, especially the older one. B- Shayne misses your cute little high pitched voice calling out "baby Shayne" to her. He was so good with her and helpful. And her most recent love affair is with sweet potatoes. And squash, and carrots, and bananas, and water. She is starting to be an eater!!
Next on our list is a quick weekend trip to Newport Beach to visit Danny's sister and then Danny's family reunion at the Box Y. I LOVE summer.
Oh and any advice on this?? Shayne is waking herself up all the time because she can flip from her back to her tummy but not the other way yet. Is there anything I can do or do you just get through this stage????
Hope you are having a great summer.


Eisha said...

Holly, your baby is SO BEAUTIFUL.

Natalie said...

She is absolutely an angel! What a gorgeous baby girl. It's amazing how much love you have for her but she is YOURS and that is what makes parenting worth it.

Cute blog Holly!