Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2008 Update

So I thought I should update everyone on our life up through the end of 2008, especially since I am new to the blogging thing and I didn't send out a Holiday letter. Here are a few highlights from this last year:

1. Danny had an awesome year at work! This year he did transfer over to the dreaded-by-every-wife-Blackberry and I have been waking up to email, text, and phone call alerts ever since. I have also had to lay down some rules about emailing and driving- at least when I am in the car.

2. I am an official speech langauge pathologist as I finished my certification year and received my license-just in time to go to part, part time (1 day a week), which I will continue to do after my maternity leave. 3. Back to ye ol' lands of ore: Danny and I spent two weeks in England and Ireland- just the two of us. We had an awesome time exploring, talking to people, and seeing lots of history and sheep.

4. Roomie: We had my little sister Jamie live with us for most of the year as she was finishing school. In a way, we feel like she was our first parenting experiment and we both have missed her since she moved back to AZ.

5. Ally: Our other child- the furry, smelly one- is still terrorizing all the neighborhood cats and even some small neighborhood children.

6. Robbery: We got robbed! Unfortunately, we can blame no one but ourselves as we left the front door unlocked. Oops! The guys took a laptop, camera, money, my flute, and jewelry. At least they left the place in good condition so that I was home for an hour before I even realized someone had been in our house. We are very conscious about locking our doors now.

7. Holidays: We hosted both Thanksgiving (Danny's family) and Christmas (my family) at our house this year. It was really fun to have the space and room for everyone to come and hang out.
8. Our Baby: Our biggest news is that after over 6 years of being married-Danny and I finally decided it was time to expand our family. We found out we are having a baby girl and couldn't be more excited! This is a fetal foto I had taken at 28 weeks. When Danny saw it he asked where his DNA was, so I guess that means he thinks she looks like me.
And that is pretty much our year in a nutshell! Hope you all had very merry holidays!

1 comment:

Brittanny said...

That was a very good summary of your past year...the only thing I didn't know about was the robbery incident! Wow. I think loosing your flute was sad (and loosing everything else too) was it the one you learned on? Hmmm. Theft is so violating! I am sorry to hear it...but the rest of your updates were good ones though!