Monday, February 13, 2012

Brooker (say it with 'w's instead of 'r's if you're Shayne)

I love this little nugget. She is much more attached to me that Shayne ever was. Even if we are at home without any 'strangers' (anyone besides me in her eyes) around, she still cries if I set her down. Frustrating, yet very flattering at the same time.

She thinks every cell phone is her personal toy. That includes random strangers with their phones out anywhere we go. Here she is with my dad's:
Danny took this photo of her just to document this face:
She is a good eater and really likes mostly everything, except for the vegetable I try to sneak in amongst the rest of her meal. She can pick that thing out of a bite and spit it out every time. Here she is enjoying some chocolate mousse:
She loves to dance, play outside, and is learning a few words lately. She can say ball, hi, dada, momma, woof woof, more (sign & say), and all done (sign and say- sort of on this one). She's got 7 teeth with a molar on the way. She has the skinniest little baby legs without hardly a roll of fat. I wish I could say the same!! Haha!

She is a great little kid.

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