Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mommy Training

I think potty training should be called mommy training because that is seriously what it is. And the word 'training' is also very appropriate too. So far, there has been no magical switch. I think it's going to have to be like forming a new habit: a lot of effort, over weeks, and hopefully at some point it will feel like it's working.

I have tested the waters a couple of times with Shayne to potty train her, but if I received any resistance I just stopped because I didn't want to push it too much. Lots of people have told me to wait until she's 3, but I want to do it now. I don't know why I want to so bad, I just do. And some have told me not to use rewards because it should be a self motivated thing. Not so sure about that one either.

It seriously is the most frustrating thing I've had to do with Shayne. I know she can do it. She's done it before for short periods of time. We just have to make it a habit and get her over the resistance to doing something new and uncomfortable. I didn't know it was going to be so frustrating though. I really didn't.

Right now the plan is to stick with it. It may change at any moment though......

Addendum: Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I decided that Rome was not built in a day- or 3 days- and so we are just taking this as a slow slide into potty training. It isn't going perfectly, but progress is being made. So far, at home I would say she is potty trained, but we are working on it in the outside world. Such a scary place. . . . so many scary toilets- even I think so. I cringe when I have to sit her on some. And my frustration level is so much lower since I just decided to relax and not make this my accomplishment. It can be hers.


Lara said...

Holly, call me if you want help. I am the potty training master. Not meaning that it has been easy but rather I have trained some really stubborn kids successfully! I might have a few tricks that will help it go a little smoother. Your family pictures are so great.

Jared and Suzy Halterman said...

Your family is so cute! I look at your blog every once in a while just to see what you guys are up to. I know you will probably get lots of potty training advice, but I love the 3 day potty training method. Just go to http://www.3daypottytraining.com and buy the ebook, it is so worth the money and I haven't met anyone yet who follows it who hasn't been successful. I LOVE that program and tell everyone about it! It makes it so easy because it tells you exactly everything to do. Good luck with the potty training! It worked like a charm on my son at 26 months and I didn't even think it would work at all.

KC & Candice Carden said...

I love your blog! It sounds like the girls (Shayne at least) are keeping you busy! Wish we could see you in Vegas...
I loved catching up with you at Box Y, and would love to spend more time with you!
If you guys ever need a break, come see us in Sheridan. It is absolutely beautiful here--can't believe I grew up in Wyoming and had never been here!!