Monday, February 28, 2011

Questions I ask Myself

1. How did my morning workout before Shayne's dance class turn into a Coke at McDonald's playland at 9:30 am in my gym clothes? Here's how: time consuming outfit blowout (not mine) + sleep deprivation induced semi-coma like state (this one's mine).

2. Is it mean to make your child stand in the garage alone while eating a cup of ice (her choice-which could get very messy) without a coat on (also her choice) during the middle of winter?

3. How do my children know to start crying at the exact moment I sit down to relax or begin a project? It's really quite impressive.

4. 'Didn't I just do this?' For 'this' you can insert: mop, sweep, pick this up, clean this up, load this, unload that, change your diaper, feed you, give you a bath, tell you not to touch that, put you in time out 5 times in a row, etc. Motherhood is really a perpetual groundhog day.

5. Why does my 2 year old have a screaming melt down when she sees steam in the shower? Honestly, I have never let her watch Psycho. Honestly.

Things to ponder.


ToddS said...

Are you sure it was a child blow-out?

Eisha said...

#2...YES! Who does that :-)

annette said...

Holly. . .yeah. . .so. . .welcome to MOTHERHOOD. And just remember this. . .someone did that for YOU! And all these years later. . .I still LOVE YOU!

Sally and Max Brown said...

Love it! Definitely rings true for me :)

Brenay Family said...

I have found myself pondering those things several times in life! You're not alone! :)

Natalie said...

Amen sister. Amen. Joys of motherhood. We've missed your smile here. Can't wait to see you and your cutie girls soon!