Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 Years & 2 Months

Shayne turned 2!! This year we took her to the dollar store where she got to pick out some toys to spend her birthday money on and then we went to an ice cream parlor where she got her own hot fudge sundae. She loved her "nummy" as she called it. It was a little bigger than I had anticipated so when she kept eating and eating it long after Danny & I had called it quits on ours, we finally stopped her before we thought she had hit the sick-to-my-stomach-throw-up mark. Here are some things that she is doing:
*She is a serious chatterbox-- everything is either "big daddy" or "little baby" sized, she calls Brooklyn 'deedee,' if you set her up somewhere high she always says 'whoa whoa me fall,' she doesn't like it when Danny holds Brooklyn 'no deedee daddy, deedeee momma,' 'my nummy' when she wants something to eat, 'my yuck' usually 'my big daddy yuck,' first thing in the morning 'me see deedee' or 'see deedee yuck'
* She can name and identify some colors and shapes. She loves to color pictures, play with playdough, go to dance and tumbling classes, play with Brooklyn on the ground, play with other kids, help me cook ('stir egg' is her favorite), sing songs ['oh night' (silent night), 'happy you' (happy birthday to you)], and rough house with Danny.

Brooklyn also hit the 2 month mark. She is in the 91% for weight! My pediatrician just started clapping for me at the start of her 2 month appointment and said, "Well I don't need to ask how feeding is going." I guess that means she's eating enough. She's getting cuter and cuter, especially since her baby acne is subsiding. She smiles quite a bit now and is the best napping buddy. I was hoping her new hair growth would lighten up and I would get a blonde baby (I was blonde until I was about 5) but she's looking like she might stay dark haired. Although her eyes are still pretty light blue, so we'll see what color they turn out.

I am just grateful for two healthy and happy girls. Danny is doing great at work and feeling good about it. I am trying to get enough sleep, take care of the kiddos, and talk to another adult at least once a day : )

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