Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tragedy in the Name of Beauty

So last week we had a small, although sad, tragedy. Shayne's hair fell out! But only on the top of her head--not the sides, not the lugano she still has on her back-- but the most important part. I am dealing with it and decided she just has to wear a bow or a hat on her head until it grows back. I may be delusional, but I still think she's cute!

Lately we have just been hanging out at home and taking a few outings here and there. Here are some of our recent adventures:

Bath time:
Park with the dog:
Tummy time:

Pretty exciting these days! But we are having fun with it.


Momma Dianna said...

That has happened to my baby girl too! She has little hair left on the sides and she's bald in the back. She just has a fohawk on the top! I have contemplated shaving her head, but hiding it under headbands with big bows seems to be working! Hopefully it will all grow back soon. It's sad to see it go when they are born with so much hair, but funny that you never see the hair that has fallen out! Shayne is still darling and I think loosing it in the front is probably better than loosing it in the back like Avery! What a cute mommy you make!


ToddS said...

Same thing is happening to Clark, except he's losing it around the crown of his head so he looks like an accountant. Very cute, but hopefully not too long lasting.

Carrie said...

She still looks cute! I love her little upturned nose. Can't wait to meet her next weekend!

Mandi Moon said...

She is still a cutie! I with the Henderson's just headband and flower it! I make flower clips if you need some at a good price. I'll make you a deal! :-)

Sally and Max Brown said...

So cute! That one close up picture...Shayne totally looks like her dad! She is a perfect mix of the two of you!