Thursday, February 19, 2009


This is so funny I had to do it. I totally stole this from my brother-in-law's blog (thank you Todd) because I think it is stinkin' hilarious. All I have to say is. . . only guys would think this up. Take a look!

Tragedy in the Name of Beauty

So last week we had a small, although sad, tragedy. Shayne's hair fell out! But only on the top of her head--not the sides, not the lugano she still has on her back-- but the most important part. I am dealing with it and decided she just has to wear a bow or a hat on her head until it grows back. I may be delusional, but I still think she's cute!

Lately we have just been hanging out at home and taking a few outings here and there. Here are some of our recent adventures:

Bath time:
Park with the dog:
Tummy time:

Pretty exciting these days! But we are having fun with it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Advice needed from all the Mommies out there

So the first few weeks of motherhood have been pretty good. Everyone tells me that she is a pretty good baby and I have to agree. She already smiles at you- and I know it's not gas because she is looking right at you when she breaks into a huge grin! She's a good eater and she easily goes back to sleep during the night after she wakes up for a feeding. She has had so many visitors from our ward, family, and friends. We are going to attempt an overnight trip to Wyoming next week and stay with Danny's folks as he has to do some work up there one day. We'll see how it goes. But I do have some questions for all the mommies out there. Here they are:

1. So Babywise is all the rage and I am attempting to follow it, BUT she'll sleep for 2-3 hours at a time during the day which doesn't follow the Babywise model of eat, awake, sleep every 3 hours. So. . . do you wake her up or let her sleep when it comes to the 3 hour time limit?

2. Let's say I have freshly diapered her, fed her, and now I am putting her down for a nap. She's half way asleep and then you hear the dreaded poop bombs going off. Do you leave her in it for possibly a couple hours or wake her up and change her when you know she is going to have a hard time going back to sleep?

3. How long to you let a 3 week old cry-it-out before you go pick her up? What if her binkie fell out and you know if you go put it back in her mouth she'll go back to sleep, but then you end up doing that 10 times before she does sleep?

Any thoughts on these questions would be greatly appreciated!

And thanks for all the phone calls, gifts, dinners, and posts from everyone. It's great to have friends like you all!